The Greatest Show on Earth […at least in December ;) ]

… (barring Hugh Jackman, and borrowing a bit of his *prestige* ; ) … one of the greatest every year… and, given seasonal weather, can be one of the most elusive to try to see…

Last year the Geminid Meteor Shower was largely masked by December’s super moon; this year the moon is only a small crescent and with the weather expected to be fairly clear across most of North America the geminid meteor shower is expected to be quite a show over night December 13 to early morning December 14, 2017. This meteor shower has been known to produce 120 (or more) visible meteors per hour!

To find the constellation Gemini (for which this meteor show is named) first find Orion (and his 3 star belt) and then look above and *over* Orion’s right shoulder (to us? look slightly left of and above Orion). The meteors can show up in other parts of the sky, but they will appear to radiate out from Gemini (see  + ).

…more on this soon… gotta run!